St. Thomas Restaurants and Food... Succulent clawless
Caribbean lobster, with a tail rich in pure white meat. Fresh
caught mahi mahi (which is a fish locally called Dolphin, but is
not the porpoise!), served island style with pungent local
spices. Today's catch of yellowfin tuna, broiled, baked, or
perhaps with the chef's special Caribbean herb and spice
mixture. Conch chowder for starters, key lime pie and Cruzan
coffee for closers. And of course, aged Black Angus steaks for
those who can travel but cannot go without! Dining on St. Thomas
is a magical whirl of gourmet chefs, local delicacies, open air
seaside restaurants, moonlit nights, and no jackets required.
found! Although you can't eat atmosphere, you can
drink it in! Some of the island's nicest restaurants are
in historic courtyards, overlooking marinas, on the
beach, in the finest resorts, and tucked away in places
that say "call for directions." From beach bars to those
establishments featured on national television, every
meal is a highlight of your vacation. For local
delights, stop at the food vans selling Roti, sort of a
West Indian burrito, and Salt fish Pate, deep fried and
great with a cold beer! Be sure to sample the West
Indian Pig Roasts and buffets offered at the resorts!
Major credit cards are accepted, and reservations are
preferred. A word to the wise: ties and jackets are
definitely not in fashion for the gentlemen; ladies,
it's either casual or casual elegance.
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